Sheena McGinley

Meet the author:

Sheena McGinley is a columnist and features writer for the Irish press since 2008. She’s also a business owner that is conscious of how time tracking can foster progress. She wrote for SaaS companies and businesses that specialize in revenue optimization by implementing processes. She has the unique ability to digest complex topics and make them easy to understand. She shares this precious skill with Memtime readers.

When she's not making words work for people, Sheena can be found taking (very) brisk dips in the Irish Sea.

Latest posts:

Blog post on 10 best ways to track time spent on projects and tasks


10 Best Ways to Track Time Spent on Projects & Tasks for Improved Consistency

Learn how to effectively keep track of projects and tasks. See, why it's important, and explore how can you achieve consistency. Discover 10 best ways!

Blog post on time tracking categories & best practices


Time Tracking Categories & Best Practices to Make the Most Out of It

Discover time tracking categories and best practices. Learn how to categorize your work depending on a company size, industry, project, and much more.

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