Automatic time tracking software for your projects

Memtime is an automatic time tracking software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It records your time in all programs and displays your working day – to help you remember every minute spent on projects. So you know at a single glance what you worked on and get your time tracking done in seconds.

• Save 75% of your time spent on time tracking
• Increase your time tracking accuracy to 95%

No credit card required

No credit card required

Freelance & contractor time tracking by Memtime
Export time entries as reports or send them to your project software.
Projects are displayed here – mirrored from your project software or custom made.
This is where you create time entries and log hours on tasks.
This is your activity timeline. It's populated automatically while you work.





How does Memtime work

Review your day

This is your activity timeline. It's populated automatically while you work.
Review your day

Create time entries

This is where you create time entries and log hours on tasks.
Create time entries

Import projects

Projects are displayed here – mirrored from your project software or custom made.
Import projects

Export time entries

When you create time entries and assign them to projects, they're synced into connected software.
Export time entries

Nobody likes time tracking

Estimates are exhausting

• At the end of a day or week, it's hard to remember what you worked on

• The hard part is not entering hours - it's to come up with them

• That's why most people put off time tracking - until it piles up
Manage projects in Memtime

Distracting from actual work

• Tracking throughout the day (e.g. start/stop timers) is interrupting your workflow

• According to studies, it takes ~25 min to regain focus after an interruption

• As soon as you really focus, you forget about time tracking anyway
Productivity insights and time reports

Wasting time & money

• Accurate project hours are essential to plan & sell services profitably

• But according to a study in Harvard Business Review, 33-64% are forgotten

• So ~0.5 days/month per person are wasted for manually tracking unreliable data

See Memtime in action

Watch how our app makes your life easier
Preview of video about Memtime
Start free trial

Hear it from our customers

Award laurel
G2 Award  - Momentum Leader - Fall 2024G2 Award  - High Performer - Fall 2024G2 Users Love UsG2 Award - High Performer, Europe - Fall 2024G2 Award - Small Business High Performer, EMEA - Fall 2024
Award laurel


The beauty of automatic time tracking is that you can forget all about it
Can Memtime really track EVERY program?
What if I have several windows open?
What if I work a lot in documents/emails/browser?
Will there be a phone app to track mobile activities?
Who can access the data? Can bosses monitor employees with Memtime?
Can I use Memtime on multiple devices?
What is the difference between Memtime Basic, Connect and Premium?
Do you support Linux?