
Survey: How agencies won customers in 2020

Survey participants

We asked our users in a survey whether they were able to grow in 2020 – and if so, through which channels they won their new business. Among the responses were 269 agencies of various sizes.

Which channels were successful despite the pandemic?

Personal contacts and events were very limited in the 2020 pandemic year. How did agencies compensate for the loss of these important channels in customer acquisition?

What stands out:

  • No surprise: Recommendations remain the most important channel
  • Uncomfortable truth: Cold outreach seems to be essential, especially for small and medium-sized agencies
  • Remarkable: Many agencies of different sizes are successful with mailing printed content

The top 3 channels beyond recommendations

Larger Agencies

(>50 employees)

1. Content (Social Media)
2. PR & Rankings
3. Digital Events & Conferences

Medium Agencies

(10-50 employees)

1. Content (Social Media)
2. Cold Email (LinkedIn)
3. SEO & Blog

Smaller Agencies

(<10 employees)

1. Cold Email (LinkedIn)
2. SEO & Blog
3. Content (Social Media)

Quick Insights

➜ Recommendations have generated the most business

Cold outreach is still crucial for growth – especially for small and medium-sized agencies

➜ Strong positioning via content (social media) has become more important than pitches & PR

➜ A surprising number of agencies generate new business with printed content mailings

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