Yulia Miashkova

Meet the author:

Yulia Miashkova is a content creator with 7 years of hands-on experience in B2B marketing. Her background is in public relations, SEO, social listening, and ABM. Yulia writes about technology for business growth, focusing on automated time tracking solutions for digital teams.

In her spare time Yulia is an avid reader of contemporary fiction, adamant runner, and cold plunge enthusiast.

Latest posts:

Blog post on disadvantages of employee monitoring


If You Support Employee Monitoring, Don't

Employee monitoring is creepy and does the opposite of what it's supposed to do. Look at the research and use the actual proven ways to grow productivity.

Blog post on billability vs utilization


Billability vs Utilization: How to Measure & Improve on Them?

Billability, utilization and , billable utilization – what’s the difference and how does it all relate to profitability? And what does time tracking have to do with it?

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