Figma time tracking for your creative projects

Get lost in designing while Memtime runs in the
background and automatically captures your
time in Figma, down to the minute.
Automatic time tracking for Figma

Track time in Figma without lifting a finger

Track without Figma timer

Bye, timers!

Forgot to start your Figma timer? Got stuck with “quick revisions”? Memtime runs in the background and records your time automatically.

Timesheets alternative

Adieu, timesheets!

Creatives hate timesheets for a reason. Log your hours at any point during the day, week, or month – with precise data to prove it.

Figma activity logs

Hello, Memory Aid!

Memtime keeps secure, minute-by-minute Figma activity logs in a private Memory Aid, so you can remember any day.

Time tracking for designers works with your favorite tools

Track time in Figma with Memtime
Track time in Miro with Memtime
Track time in Illustrator with Memtime
Track time in After Effects with Memtime
Track time in Photoshop with Memtime
Track time in Canva with Memtime
Track time in Sketch with Memtime
Track time in Visual Studio with Memtime

Go back in time to check how long you worked on a project

Recording Figma work

Step 1. Download Memtime

Install our desktop app for Windows, Mac, or Linux, and trial it for free for 14 days.

Step 2. Resume working in Figma

Let Memtime run quietly in the background while you work on your Figma designs.

Step 3. Go back to any day

Use your private activity log to check how much time you spent on a project.

What you get with automatic Figma time tracking

Accurate billables

Whether you use Figma’s web version or desktop app, every minute of work on your projects will be counted towards billable hours.

Track time for projects
Better productivity with Memtime

Better productivity

Nothing breaks your flow quite like admin work. Get lost in designing knowing that Memtime will track time in design tools for you.

No undercharging clients

Know exactly where your time in Figma and other programs went on any given day to bill clients fairly for all ad hoc tasks.

No undercharging clients
Export Figma activity logs to project software

Sync with project software

Review your Figma activity logs, quickly create time entries, and send them back to your project software.

Do you use project software?

Check if Memtime connects to your project software to enable 1-1 export of time entries to your project tool.

Frequently asked questions

Can Memtime really track every design tool?
How to integrate Memtime with my project software?
How does Memtime capture my activities?
Can managers monitor my work using Memtime?

Still have questions? Talk to us

Schedule a 15-min discovery call to learn how easily you can start tracking your time with Memtime.