"The lowest possible overhead for our team"

Why the agency Campaigning Bureau relies on automatic time tracking - Interview with Managing Director Stefanie Winkler-Schloffer

Stefanie Winkler-Schloffer - Managing Director of Campaigning Bureau

Hi Stefanie. What is your job at Campaigning Bureau - and what kind of company are you?

Stefanie: I am the managing director at Campaigning Bureau. We are an agency with around 60 employees and we specialize in mobilization & movement campaigning.

Why are exact times important to you?

Stefanie: We want to act very fairly and transparently towards our customers. Therefore, an exact time tracking and allocation to the respective customers is essential for us. And furthermore, accurate time tracking and allocation to the respective customers & projects also ensures our economic success, since many services are billed on a time and material basis.

What problem did you have with time tracking?

Stefanie: The biggest challenge we faced was finding a tool that would require as little effort from our team as possible. Experience has shown us that the less effort it requires and the more intuitively it can be integrated into the daily lives of our employees, the more accurate and reliable the tracking.

Memtime minimizes the effort for our team. As a result, times are now recorded very consistently.
Stefanie Winkler-Schloffer

How was Memtime able to solve the problem?

Stefanie: By collecting information from a wide variety of sources (calendar entries, screen time, etc.), Memtime minimizes the effort for our team and makes time tracking a task of a few seconds to minutes. As a result, times are now recorded very consistently.

How did you experience the introduction of Memtime? Was there an integration with other software?

Stefanie: Memtime was connected to our project management software - which worked great. The implementation went very quickly and above all: it is really self-explanatory and was understood and used by the entire team in no time.

It's the first time tracking tool that doesn't cost you time.
Stefanie Winkler-Schloffer

If a friend asked you why they should try Memtime - what would you tell them?

Stefanie: I would say definitely try this out. It's the first time tracking tool that doesn't cost you time.


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