Memtime – your time tracker for Clio: Let time track itself

Create an account with Memtime that is integrated with Clio. You can import your projects with just a few clicks. Get your time in all programs recorded automatically and accurately. Easily create and sync your time entries and reports.
automatically tracked programs and calendar events

Memtime – your time tracker for Clio: Let time track itself

Create an account with Memtime that is integrated with Clio. You can import your projects with just a few clicks. Get your time in all programs recorded automatically and accurately. Easily create and sync your time entries and time reports.
Katharina Willner, Managing Director at Vlow
We imported our whole project structure with one click.
Katharina Willner, Managing Director at Vlow
Thomas Lee, Head of Solution Engineering at IoT.nxt
A fantastic system! The integration is seamless.
Thomas Lee, Head of Solution Engineering at IoT.nxt
Jim Cota, CEO at Rarebird Inc.
The implementation was quick and easy.
Jim Cota, CEO at Rarebird Inc.
Marco Zingler, CEO at denkwerk
Memtime fits perfectly into our infrastructure.
Marco Zingler, CEO at denkwerk

Get the most out of Clio with Memtime

Memtime is optimized for lawyers - so you can also log and transfer times to Clio in 6-minute intervals.

How to boost Clio with automatic time tracking

You see every minute of your day – log project times much faster – and export them to Clio and your time reports with one click.
Try free for 14 days – no payment data required

Calculate how many hours you could recover

Memtime's tracking recovers hours for you that would otherwise have been forgotten.
What’s your monthly potential?
Enter your data to calculate
Ø hourly rate x hours x persons
How many employees?
Average hourly rate?
How much time can you utilize?
Enter your data to calculate
What % of the time is billable?
Time employees actually work on projects?
How accurate is your time tracking?
Enter your data to calculate
How many persons track times...
…every 2-3 days?
…once a week?
…less than once a week?
Results (mth)
You are losing 78 hours a month of which you could regain 72 with Memtime.
Invest €216 per year to increase your annual potential revenue by €86,400.
How is this calculated?
Your entries
Overall hours = 174
Potential revenue = 17,400
Time tracking accuracy = 36 %
Billable hours (mth) = 122
Target revenue (mth) = 12,200
Results (mth)
Your monthly time tracking…
with Memtime
Time tracking accuracy
36 %
Billable hours assigned to the right projects
Billable hours forgotten or assigned to the wrong projects
If you use Memtime
Your regained hours
Revenue, if you bill these hours
Your investment in Memtime

Have questions about the calculator?

Still have questions? Talk to us.

Schedule a 15-min discovery call to learn how easily you can integrate Memtime with Clio.

Try Memtime connected to Clio for free

Start your 14-day free trial now. It's as simple as creating a free Memtime account - and choosing the Clio integration from a list.


How does the export of my time entries to Clio work?
Can Memtime really track EVERY program?
What if I have several windows open?
Who can access the data? Can bosses monitor employees with Memtime?

Seamless integration with your project software

Import projects & tasks - sync time entries, so they appear in your connected software.
Clickup integration
Jira integration
Harvest integration
Toggl Track integration
Teamwork integration
Asana integration
Tempo integration
Clockify integration
Clio integration
Moco integration
7Pace integration
Awork integration
Lawcus integration
Zoho integration