"The app pays for itself every single day"

Why graphic design and branding agency Widgets & Stone relies on Memtime's automatic time tracking – Interview with Creative Director Liz Tapp

Director Liz Tapp - Creative Director of Widgets & Stone

Hi Liz. What is your profession – and what kind of company is Widgets & Stone?

Liz: Graphic Design - Widgets & Stone uses design to build brands, products, user experiences, environments, and places. Our work ranges from logos and branding to online experiences including website design, email and social.

Why is accurate time tracking important for your business?

Liz: At Widgets, no client ever gets the "B Team" — we have our whole team interacting and brainstorming on every project, and you can see that collaboration in the quality of our work. This however makes time-tracking a lot more complicated. We are also deeply committed to being transparent with our clients. We don't just want to deliver good design to our clients, but also be efficient and clear with their budgets. Being able to both accurately estimate new jobs (based on past ones) as well as precisely track time within current projects is key to our business's success.

As a creative director, I often jump between projects in 20-minute intervals – this made time tracking a part-time job.
Liz Tapp

What problem did you have with time tracking?

Liz: As a creative director, I often jump between projects in 20-minute intervals — this made time tracking a part-time job. If I wasn't sure how much time was spent, I would often just not log the time.

How was Memtime able to solve this problem?

Liz: Memtime has reclaimed hours out of each day, hours that were previously going unbilled. Now I can know exactly how long I was working within one file before jumping to the next call or file. The app pays for itself every single day. Words I never thought I'd say: Memtime is so intuitive, it makes time-tracking fun.

How did the integration of Memtime go?

Liz: It is fast and seamless. I had it up and running in under five minutes. My colleagues have all had the same experience.

I have doubled my logged time. Words I never thought I'd say: Memtime is so intuitive, it makes time tracking fun.
Liz Tapp

If friends would ask you why they should try Memtime - what would you tell them?

Liz: I would tell a friend to absolutely try Memtime. Memtime makes tracking time effortless, as it logs filenames and programs for you. Applying the automatically tracked time is intuitive and takes seconds. I have doubled my logged time, and I no longer dread my timesheet.

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