"Stop wasting your time with time tracking"
Why the agency DESIGNDIALOG relies on automatic time tracking - Interview with Managing Director Thorsten Trayser
Why the agency DESIGNDIALOG relies on automatic time tracking - Interview with Managing Director Thorsten Trayser
Thorsten: I am a Consultant, Communication Designer and Managing Director at DESIGNDIALOG. We are active in the fields of communication, user experience and digital transformation.
Thorsten: Since we work for different clients most days, it is essential to track times correctly to create transparency for all parties. In addition, we are a small team and need to manage our time as effectively as possible.
Thorsten: Time tracking was always the last thing on our minds in day-to-day business. As a result, the data quality was often insufficient. So we worked unpaid for a few hours on every project.
We wanted to give clients clarity about what we worked on and for how long.
Time tracking is also important for our resource planning, so that we can plan projects more accurately in the future. While searching for something suitable, we came across Memtime.
Thorsten: With Memtime, we don't have to have time tracking on our minds all day. We can focus on the projects and still understand later at any time what we have worked on.
We also find the insights from the evaluations and details exciting and we can discuss the results with the team.
At the end of the day, we can only spend our time once – and we prefer to spend it on the right thing.
Thorsten: The on-boarding worked out great. We also like the constant further development of the tool. With new optimizations, you have to think for a moment before you understand everything, but that's okay. :)
Thorsten: We have used Memtime with both hellohq.io and mocoapp.com - both integrations worked 100%.
Thorsten: During updates we sometimes experienced that we had to reinstall timBro. It has happened to us that we forgot to synchronize the data before the reinstallation and thus locally stored data was lost. However, this is certainly also pointed out somewhere.
Thorsten: Our life time is limited - so stop wasting time with time tracking.