Why the agency denkwerk relies on automatic time tracking

Interview with managing directors Jochen Schlaier (l.) and Marco Zingler (r.) of the leading digital agency denkwerk

denkwerk has 220 employees - and has been consistently among the top 3 most creative digital agencies in Germany for years. How do you manage that?

Jochen: We work in autonomous teams, which makes us very agile and innovative. And we invest 15% of our profit every year in research and development.

What problem did you have with time tracking?

Marco: We saw a huge potential rather than a problem. Time tracking provides us with a database for decisions that directly affect our workload and profitability through project and resource planning. The better this data is, the more profitable we can operate.

What is good data and how do you get it?

Jochen: Good data must be complete, accurate and up-to-date. If you track one hour more or less on projects on a regular basis it may not be an issue for the individual. But for the organization as a whole, this inaccuracy adds up. That is why it is so important to motivate all employees to the best possible time tracking and make the process as easy as possible for them.

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How did you decide to buy memtime?

Marco: We gathered our requirements with a project team and started comparing solutions. A large part of the time spent on time tracking is remembering what you have been working on. It quickly became clear that this daily headache could be avoided with automatic time tracking.

Jochen: memtime was a good fit for us, because our employees enjoy new technologies. They are experts in communication and design - so they place great value on UI/UX. The decision was made by the project team after a free trial. It was important to us that employees choose the tool. In the end, they are the ones who have to work with it.

How did the integration of memtime go?

Marco: It took about 14 days. memtime created the API connection to our ERP software Projektron. Projects are imported into memtime, where the time entries are made and then exported back to Projektron. So the times are still entered where we need them.

What are the biggest advantages of memtime for you?

Jochen: The data protection concept. The tracking data is not stored in the cloud - but only on the users' devices. This gives our employees a guarantee that no one can view their data.

Marco: memtime is self-explanatory and fits seamlessly into our infrastructure. We didn't have to introduce a new ERP software. So we were able to just add automatic time tracking as an add-on.

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