Automatic time tracking for developers

Memtime is an automatic time tracker that records your time in all programs (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Visual Studio, WebStorm, and other professional tools) and displays your workday. So you immediately remember your time spent on projects and get your time tracking done in seconds.
  • Save 75% of time spent on time tracking
  • Improve time tracking accuracy up to 95%
automatically tracked programs and calendar events

Automatic time tracking for developers

Memtime is an automatic time tracker that records your time in all programs (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Visual Studio, WebStorm, and other professional tools) and displays your workday. So you immediately remember your time spent on projects and get your time tracking done in seconds.
  • Save 75% of time spent on time tracking
  • Improve time tracking accuracy up to 95%

+60 Integrations with project software

Whatever software your agency currently uses for time tracking - it can be connected with a few clicks
Jira integration
Asana integration
7Pace integration
Jira integration
Clickup integration
Harvest integration
Toggl integration
Teamwork integration
Clockify integration
Clio integration
Moco integration
Awork integration
Lawcus integration
Zoho integration

Connect Memtime to your project software

See how Memtime works
C.S. Andersen Hansson, Senior Developer, WiCan
At the end of the workday, I can scroll back and remember everything done.
C.S. Andersen Hansson, Senior Developer, WiCan
Thomas Lee, Head of Solution Engineering, IoT.nxt
A fantastic system! It seamlessly integrates with our project software.
Thomas Lee, Head of Solution Engineering, IoT.nxt
Andy Ziehten, CEO, ScaleCommerce
It helped to increase our billable hours by 20%. Employees now track activities which had just been forgotten before.
Andy Ziehten, CEO, ScaleCommerce

Manual time tracking is a challenge for Developers

Planning project hours

Estimates are exhausting

  • At the end of a day or week, it's hard to remember what you worked on
  • The hard part is not entering hours - it's to come up with them
  • That's why most people put off time tracking - until it piles up
Manual time tracking is wasting time

Distracting from actual work

  • Tracking throughout the day (e.g. start/stop timers) is interrupting your workflow
  • According to studies, it takes ~25 min to regain focus after an interruption
  • As soon as you really focus, you forget about time tracking anyway
Bad data - bad decisions

Wasting time & money

  • Accurate project hours are essential to plan & sell services profitably
  • But according to a study in Harvard Business Review, 33-64% are forgotten
  • So ~0.5 days/month per person are wasted for manually tracking unreliable data

Automatic time tracking for Developers

How automatic time tracking by Memtime works

See the exact time you work in every
program, file, browser tab or email

See your data in Memtime automated time tracker

Only you can see your tracking data -
the Memory Aid remains 100% offline

Projects are imported from your project software or created by yourself

Import projects from your software

You remember at a single glance and create
your time entries for projects

Auto-sync time entries with any project software

Auto-sync time entries

Or create reports and export them to PDF, CSV or Excel

Still have questions? Schedule a call below.

Start your 14-day free trial now

Our 14-day free trial remains free of charge. And your head remains free from time tracking. All you do is install Memtime and sit back.

You'll be surprised what it records for you in the background - while you focus on what really matters.