Senior JavaScript Engineer | Integrations Team

Keeping track of time is exhausting and distracting employees from the work at hand. We at timeBro believe that this can be automated and we strive to deliver the best solution on the market.
For this we are looking for engaged people who want to contribute to our cause.

In a small team within a fully remote environment you can help us make an impact and improve our product line.

Our Integrations Team is growing. And we are looking for a capable, customer-oriented JavaScript and node.js engineer to help us integrate our product with Third Party SaaS products. Besides implementing integrations you will help us maintain and grow our integrations-related infrastructure, such as our marketplace and the integration-configuration system.

Some upcoming projects include building integrations to collect call histories for MS Team, Zoom and similar as well as connecting to project management systems targeting mainly big companies such as Xero, Datev and Wrike.
We also want to extend capabilities of our integrations marketplace and need a developer portal to open up integration development to others.

Your timezone's working hours should have a significant overlap with working hours in CET.

What we are looking for

  • Several years of JavaScript experience in a company
  • Customer-oriented and focused on solutions
  • Team-player
  • Competent with node.js and latest JavaScript features
  • Familiar with SQLite (or SQL in general)
  • Experience utilizing REST / SOAP APIs in your work
  • Experience in specifying and building REST / SOAP APIs
  • Fluent in English

Even better, but not required, if you

  • Have worked at large scale SaaS products
  • Have experience with serverless hosting (e.g. AWS, API Gateway, Lambda-Functions, ...)
  • Have worked in the role of a Team Lead
  • Have experience in automated testing of APIs

You will be

  • Working on different integrations
  • Connecting our product with third-party platforms
  • Improving existing and adding new features to our product infrastructure
  • Helping in defining architecture and functionality of new features

You will be working with

  • node.js
  • SQLite
  • Serverless Framework
  • AWS API Gateway with node.js-based Lambda-Functions

Job details

  • Fully remote
  • Full-time – 40h / week
  • Your choice of hardware

Interview process

Please fill out all questions and upload your CV (PDF file) in the application form.

If your submission meets our expectations then we will invite you to a single 1.5 hour interview split in 3 parts:

  1. the job position, company, benefits, etc
  2. technical interview
  3. your questions

If you pass the interview we will make you an offer afterwards.